Be a Communist, a stamp collector, or a Ladies' Aid worker if you must,
but for heaven's sake, be something. - Marjorie Hillis

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the beginning...there was a blog without a point.

It's amazing where inspiration will come from, and what it will lead to.  I was reading an old, albeit clever book, and I felt I had to share it.  After all, when you read something like this:
But anyone who pities herself for more than a month on end is a weak sister and likely to become a public nuisance besides.
How can you resist sharing?

How this led to the creation of a blog, something I hadn't ever intended to get into, I can't say.  This might, in fact, be the only post I ever write.  (Probably not.  I imagine I'll reach a half-dozen before I quit.)  If it is the only one, though, I should probably make it count.

So read these books: Live Alone and Like It: a Guide for the Extra Woman, and Orchids On Your Budget: Live Smartly on What You Have, both by Marjorie Hillis.  In spite of (or because of) the fact that they were written during the Depression (1936 and '37, respectively), they are remarkably relevant today.  Ms. Hillis has some harsh truths for her readers, but they need to be heard.  And, for all of her frankness, she is not without sympathy and a true understanding of the situations her readers find themselves in, and she dispenses good, common sense advice.

And, they're funny as hell, too.

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